
July 31, 2021

He spent 27 days of hospitalization at Covid Hospital in Jesolo (Venice), then between April and May he became negativized, but three months after returning home he still struggles to return to normal living.

This is the testimony of William Crepaldi, a 54-year-old from San Michele al Tagliamento, who has overcome the infection and who has now asked the doctors who treated him to spread his story and his appeal.

"I hope you understand - he says - that we are all exposed to the danger of contagion with possible serious consequences, and that to defend ourselves you must absolutely get vaccinated. So my invitation is: do not hesitate, absolutely get the vaccine".

Its story was disseminated by the Ulss 4 Eastern Veneto. "The first chills, fever, difficulty moving and breathing, ambulance rescue - continues Crepaldi, recalling the onset of the disease - and finally the hospitalization at the covid hospital in Jesolo. This happened between March and April, the virus is then He disappeared but after about 3 months the health problems remained. Upon arrival at the covid hospital, Crepaldi was immediately hospitalized for critical conditions in intensive care, where he remained for 12 days. "I was vigilant - he remembers -, I saw the suffering, I saw people who did not come out alive from the hospital, we could not move and we were entrusted in all respects to those who cared for and those who took care of us: real barded angels whose eyes we only saw " . And now,,when everything seemed overcome, still the physical difficulties. "I lost 18 kilograms, - the man explains - I could not walk, I struggled to breathe, but still today I have not been able to overcome many problems that have changed my life. I continue to breathe with difficulty, I get tired immediately, I lose my memory, I am often not very lucid, I lack motor automatisms in doing the most trivial things. Now I just try to think about recovering ". "For this reason - he concludes - I would like to say that no one is excluded from this danger, we all feel invincible and we think that the virus cannot reach us. So get vaccinated, vaccinated, vaccinated".but even today I have not been able to overcome so many problems that have changed my life. I continue to breathe with difficulty, I tire immediately, I lose my memory, I am often not very lucid, I lack motor automatisms in doing the most trivial things. Now I just try to think about recovering "." For this reason - he concludes - I would like to say that no one is excluded from this danger, we all feel invincible and we think that the virus cannot reach us. So get vaccinated, vaccinated, vaccinated ".but even today I have not been able to overcome so many problems that have changed my life. I continue to breathe with difficulty, I tire immediately, I lose my memory, I am often not very lucid, I lack motor automatisms in doing the most trivial things. Now I just try to think about recovering "." For this reason - he concludes - I would like to say that no one is excluded from this danger, we all feel invincible and we think that the virus cannot reach us. So get vaccinated, vaccinated, vaccinated ".For this reason - he concludes - I would like to say that no one is excluded from this danger, we all feel invincible and we think that the virus cannot reach us. So get vaccinated, vaccinated, vaccinated ".For this reason - he concludes - I would like to say that no one is excluded from this danger, we all feel invincible and we think that the virus cannot reach us. So get vaccinated, vaccinated, vaccinated ".