- It is very unfortunate that it has become like this, states Peter Johansson, head of the Department of Science and Technology at ORU when SVT calls.

- At the same time, we want to emphasize that it is not an admission letter but a welcome letter that has been sent out.

But the email that went out to 4,700 addresses contains, among other things, practical information on how to register, refresher courses in mathematics and other things you as a student may need to know.

Therefore, many may still have misunderstood that they have been admitted to an education.

- Of course it creates confusion, but the university has also sent out an email to clarify the mistake, says Peter Johansson.

Next week, the university will investigate more closely what has gone wrong and whether further measures are needed so that there will be no doubts among prospective students.

Applicants will be notified of admission to all universities and colleges on antagning.se.