- I took out an SMS loan and tried for a long time to manage all the debts.

But in the end, everything fell apart, she says.

The gaming companies persuade

Annika Holmberg's gambling took off in earnest when you could start playing on your mobile.

Now she has debt restructuring and lives on a subsistence level.

She is also active in the non-profit organization Spelber dependency group.

But the gaming companies are trying to get her to continue playing via text messages, emails and phone calls.

- I never read their email but you can see offers of 20-30 spins, but I delete the messages.

Help others

Her partner and family have been a great support both during and after she stopped playing.

And she is grateful for the help she received from Piteå municipality's debt counseling.

There she got to see all the loans she had taken.

-Now I am passionate about helping others, because I know how hard this is.