Schleswig-Holstein is leading the way and sending mobile vaccination teams to its schools.

Other countries follow with specific vaccination offers for older pupils.

With a view to the end of the holidays and the fourth corona wave, some ministers of education no longer want to wait for the recommendation of the Standing Vaccination Commission, which has been hoped for and now called for, to vaccinate healthy children and adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17, too.

The panel has still not done this due to unclear data.

The lack of a vote by Stiko as the highest scientific authority on vaccination issues makes many parents, but also paediatricians, hesitate.

Politicians' hopes have been dashed

At the same time, the vaccination campaign is stalling, especially in the group of young people up to 35 years of age.

Political hopes that enough adults will be vaccinated by autumn to end the pandemic through herd immunity has been dashed.

The necessary high vaccination rate among adults can hardly be achieved in order to protect most of the millions of unvaccinated children and adolescents from infection and possible consequences of Covid.

At the same time, the delta variant of the virus makes the risk of mass outbreaks in schools likely - regardless of tests and air filters. The most important educational policy goal of leaving schools open could be missed. This would be a disaster for the Corona generation of students. It is still avoidable.