Have you ever wondered if your morning coffee ritual actually contributes to anxiety or depression?

A cup of coffee, which has been associated for decades with its ability to give you focus, relaxation and clarity of mind, has become accused of causing health problems that may reach chronic mental illnesses, so where is the truth in these allegations?

coffee and depression

Some research on the relationship between coffee and depression has revealed that coffee may in fact be a protective factor against depression, and is even linked to a lower suicide rate.

And that's not all, coffee was removed from the World Health Organization's list of carcinogenic foods in 2016, a move somewhat rare.

The World Health Organization stated that coffee may protect against uterine and liver cancer.

The World Cancer Research Fund and the US Department of Health and Human Services have announced that coffee consumption in moderation (3 to 5 cups per day) has positive effects on your health and protects you from various forms of cancer.

coffee and anxiety

However, research on coffee and anxiety isn't entirely positive.

In general, it has been found that if you did not suffer from anxiety before, it is likely that coffee will not have a significant negative effect on you when consumed in moderation.

However, when caffeine increases to more than 400 milligrams per day, symptoms associated with anxiety, such as insomnia, nervousness and difficulty sleeping, may appear.

Coffee and mood

When it comes to your general mood, the thing to consider is how your body will respond to caffeine, as our bodies have different sensitivities to caffeine.

You may have heard a lot about those who drink coffee right before bed and have no trouble falling asleep but for others, it can become a major cause of a long night of sleeplessness with a lot of ups and downs.

Sleep disturbances contribute to irritability, reduced resistance to life stress, and other poor health indicators, thus lowering your mood, so it's important to get to know your body and how it reacts to caffeine.

It is important to learn about your body and how it reacts to caffeine (pixels)

But the most important question is, how to get rid of coffee addiction?

If you are looking to reduce the amount of coffee you drink or want to break the addiction and rely on it to increase focus or become an important morning habit of yours, you can follow these tips:


gradient in quantities

Caffeine is undoubtedly a stimulant, and you are likely to feel some unpleasant symptoms such as headaches, confusion, lack of focus and general fatigue.

This will last for a day or two, possibly more depending on how much caffeine you've been consuming.

Before you start cutting back, it's a good idea to know how much caffeine you're drinking per day.

This way you can cut back on the drink gradually each day or so.

So start the experiment by reducing a cup of your daily ration every 3 days.


Health fluids

Coffee is a diuretic, which means that you will feel dehydrated with it, and it is still important to make sure that you drink enough fluids as this will help reduce the effects of withdrawal from the habit.


Get plenty of rest

You will naturally feel a little tired when you specifically cut back on caffeine or coffee, and you need to make sure you get enough rest, giving your body a chance to adapt and recover from the habit.

Make sure you get enough rest instead of getting in trouble during daylight hours (pixels)


Increase your physical activity

Try to increase your physical activity a little, as physical activity is known to improve mood, combating the insomnia that you may feel when you reduce your coffee intake.


Take notes

Keep a small diary to write down how you feel on different days and how much caffeine you have.

Think about your mood, how you feel and how you sleep, and perhaps how you feel it affects your relationships and daily activities.

When you go back to look at your notes, you'll be able to more accurately assess the impact of your caffeine and coffee intake.

Perfect coffee doses القهوة

  • I only drink coffee in the morning.

  • Get the optimal amount of coffee at 16 ounces (30 grams only).

  • Have a light roasted coffee.

    You might assume that dark roasts are high in caffeine, but the truth is that light roasts have the most caffeine, followed by medium roasts, and then dark roasts.

  • Experts recommend light roasted coffee beans, as they help boost energy and focus.