Uppsala region: Shorter intervals

In Uppsala, as of today, it is possible to book and receive a second dose of covid vaccine already four weeks after the first needle stick.

- We have a good supply of vaccines and relatively many unbooked times.

We believe that it has to do with the fact that it is holiday time where many choose to do other things than get vaccinated.

At the same time, we are careful to use every dose of the vaccine we have.

For the individual, there is also no disadvantage with only four weeks between doses, justifies the region's vaccine coordinator Margareta Öhrvall

Already last week, the Uppsala region decided to reduce the interval between doses to five weeks, and now it has been decided to shrink it by another week to utilize the capacity even better.

Region Skåne: Residual doses are used

There are plenty of free times right now in more regions, but there are partly different reasons.

At least in the top three.

- Region Skåne has currently chosen to maintain a dose interval of six weeks.

It may be possible to bring forward their vaccination after four weeks.

However, this presupposes that there is a residual dose at the vaccination site where dose 1 was taken, says Per Hagstam, vaccine coordinator and assistant infection control doctor.

Västra Götaland Region: Drop in

Anna Hedman, Chief of Staff at the Secretariat for Vaccine Coordination in the Västra Götaland region, is on the same track:

- We have plenty of free time right now and most vaccinators offer drop-in.

There are no plans to shorten the dose intervals in general from seven weeks, but in cases where there is a vaccine left over that risks being discarded, the vaccinator can call in people who received their first dose five weeks ago.

Stockholm: 65-plus can choose

There are also tens of thousands of free vaccination times in the Stockholm region.

According to coordinator Magnus Thyborg, several measures have been implemented to make better use of capacity.

Among other things, 65-plus people who did not want Astra Zeneca as of today Wednesday can choose which vaccine.

- We are also considering sending an SMS offer for a second dose already after five weeks instead of seven.

But before making a decision, we must know if we really have the capacity so that the booking for those who have waited seven weeks for their call is not made more difficult.


Those responsible do not see any medical reasons to keep the longer intervals, the second dose is not less effective just because it is given earlier.

Instead, it is about finding a balance that allows non-vaccinated people to get a first injection quickly without affecting those who are already waiting for their second dose.

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Vaccination is slow now, says Jonas Ekström, vaccine coordinator Region Västmanland.

Photo: Daniel Brodén / SVT