
July 28, 2021 Joey Jordison, founding drummer of the metal band Slipknot, died at the age of 46.

This was reported by the family, who explained that he died in his sleep on Monday, without communicating the cause of death.

Born Nathan Jonas Jordison, the drummer started playing from childhood.

He switched to drums when his parents gave it to him for his eighth birthday. 

He founded Slipknot in the mid-90s and then left the band in 2013. At first he declared that the choice was dictated by personal reasons, then in an interview that appeared on Team Rock on June 21, 2016 he retracted, saying that he was removed from the band by the other members and without his knowledge and specifying that the reason for the separation was the consequences that his illness, an acute transverse myelitis, which had hit him in August 2012 and which had required months of hospitalization, was having on him, therapies and rehabilitation.