Former UK Secretary of Health Clark denies responsibility for contaminated blood

  According to British media reports on the 27th local time, the former British Minister of Health Kenneth Clark stated in an investigation that he denied that he was responsible for the blood pollution problems that occurred during his tenure as the Minister of Health.

  According to the report, Clark, as the Conservative Party's Minister of Health between 1982-1985 and 1988-1990, was the first senior health official to testify in an investigation into a blood contamination scandal.

Clark said that the controversial issue "hardly appeared on my desk."

During the investigation, Clark emphasized that he himself "has never held a meeting on this," and "never had he been directly responsible for related issues."

  It is understood that in the 1970s and 1980s, about 3,000 people in the UK died after receiving blood transfusions contaminated with AIDS and hepatitis C viruses.

(Headquarters reporter Liang Tao)