(Essential questions) Short comment: Why did the Olympic motto for a hundred years join "More unity" at this time?

  China News Service, Beijing, July 24th, title: Why is the Olympic motto "More united" added at this time?

  China News Agency reporter An Yingzhao

  The 32nd Summer Olympic Games opened in Tokyo, Japan on the 23rd.

In the context of a century of changes and a century of epidemics, the International Olympic Committee has updated the Olympic motto that has been maintained for a century to "faster, higher, stronger-more united", which will revitalize the world.

On July 23, the opening ceremony of the 32nd Summer Olympics was held at the New National Stadium in Tokyo, the capital of Japan.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Xing Chong

  When the International Olympic Committee was established in 1894, the world was in a period of capitalist countries' expansion. The total industrial output value of the United States leaped to the first place in the world.

Under the influence of the values ​​of surpassing oneself and challenging the limit, Pierre de Coubertin condensed the Olympic motto into "faster, higher, stronger".

  For more than a hundred years, although the Olympic Games have been interrupted by war, they have always been able to move forward and promote the progress of sports in all countries.

Countless athletes set records and broke the limits time and time again, making the Olympic motto deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

  It is worth noting that this revision is the first time that the Olympic motto was officially written into the "Olympic Charter" in 1913.

The updated motto links "faster, higher, stronger" and "more united" with dashes, expressing the deep meaning of the International Olympic Committee, that is, the ultimate goal of the Olympic Movement is to make all mankind a more united Community with a shared future.

On July 23, the opening ceremony of the 32nd Summer Olympic Games was held at the New National Stadium in Tokyo, Japan.

The picture shows the President of the International Olympic Committee Bach delivering a speech.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Tomita

  As IOC President Bach said, “The world today relies on each other, and individuals cannot solve challenges.” Today, global epidemics are raging and extreme weather occurs frequently. If human civilization is to truly achieve sustainable development, all countries must learn.” "Together" and "more united" are the core meanings of the IOC joining "Together" after "Faster, Higher, Stronger".

  On the other hand, under the influence of turbulent international relations, too many political factors have been artificially added to the Olympic Games.

Individual politicians and a small number of media in some countries tried to boycott the Olympics with various political excuses. Although they were just noise, they humiliated the Olympic rings, which symbolize the solidarity and love of all continents.

  As early as the 9th century BC, the three kings of ancient Greece signed the Olympic sacred truce, promising to stop all military operations in the three months before and after the Olympic Games to ensure the safety of Olympic participants.

According to statistics, this "truce treaty" guaranteed the holding of the 293 ancient Olympics, and "keep politics away from the Olympics" has become an important principle and common sense concept.

  In October 1993, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution to restore this tradition, calling on the member states of the United Nations to stop all acts of war from one week before the opening of each Olympic Games to one week after the closing.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations Guterres also called for "showing solidarity" for the Olympics.

It can be said that wars and conflicts should be stopped for the Olympics, and those boycotts and smears should be stopped.

On July 23, the opening ceremony of the 32nd Summer Olympic Games was held at the New National Stadium in Tokyo, Japan.

The picture shows the revised Olympic Declaration: faster, higher, stronger, and more united.

  Rather than emphasizing "faster, higher, and stronger" that individuals achieve transcendence, "more unity" focuses on advocating transcendence of national, ethnic, and ideological differences.

Being more united is not only the most valuable embodiment of the Olympic spirit in the current international environment, but also the empathy of human beings yearning for a better tomorrow.

Today, when "populism", "black swans" and "gray rhinos" are frequently occurring, mankind needs to be more united in order to deal with challenges more effectively.

  From the theme song of the Seoul Olympics in 1988 "Hand in Hand" to the theme song of the 2008 Beijing Olympics "Me and You", "You and I, Heart to Heart, One Family forever", the sound of unity has become a new Olympic classic.

  As Coubertin said in his masterpiece "Ode to Sports", "Ah, sports, you are peace! You establish pleasant connections among all ethnic groups... so that young people all over the world learn to respect and learn from each other, and the characteristics of different ethnic groups Become a noble and fair competition power!" Guided by the new motto, both the Tokyo Olympics and the Beijing Winter Olympics should become such a stage-the Olympic flame can dispel the haze of the epidemic, and the Olympic motto can lead the world to unite and help each other.
