Audrey has long dreamed of making politics a committed and useful profession in the service of citizens. For several years, she was a parliamentary collaborator at the National Assembly. But when her MP is not reelected, she is forced to leave the place. She then decides to start a retraining to change her life and decides to open a cheese factory in Marseille. In this special episode of L'Envol adapted from the show "La France Bouge" on Europe 1, Audrey shares her story to give you, in turn, desires for a change of life. 

How to find your new dream job?

How to mourn your old job?

And how to get support?

After Audrey's testimony, the journalist of Europe 1 Carole Ferry and the presenter of the podcast "L'Envol", Adèle Galey, decipher this subject in the company of Matthieu Dardaillon.

The president and co-founder of Ticket for change gives a lot of advice on how to take the plunge.  

Three tips for finding the job of your dreams 

Get support and find suitable support.

Changing lanes is never easy.

Do not hesitate to surround yourself, to talk about your projects ... In short, do not stay alone!

Professionals, support groups, coaches ... There is no one support better than another.

Find the help that suits your needs. 

Find the answers within yourself.

Finding the dream job is above all listening to yourself.

Take the time to question your desires, your desires and refocus.

Often the answers are not on the outside, but on yourself. 

Accept that the process can be long.

A retraining is never done in a snap.

Be patient and confident in finding your ideal job.