Comedian Jean-Yves Lafesse, who has long offered his phone gags on Europe 1, died Thursday at the age of 64, his family announced on Friday.

"We laughed and cried, so much. I laughed a lot with Coluche but also with him," recalls Maryse Gildas, one of the historic voices of Europe 1, on Friday at our microphone.


Famous for his telephone hoaxes, comedian Jean-Yves Lafesse, who suffered from Charcot's disease, died Thursday in Vannes at the age of 64, his family announced on Friday.

Before joining Canal +, it was first on Europe 1 that Jean-Yves Lafesse made his phone gags.

An unforgettable memory for Maryse Gildas, one of the historic voices of Europe 1. "We waited for him like the messiah because he never really told us (what he was going to do)", says the former host.

"We laughed and cried, so much. I laughed a lot with Coluche but also with him."

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"Sometimes it might sound a bit cruel"

This "professional joker", as he liked to say, liked to keep the suspense on these hoaxes.

"He didn't tell us everything so we discovered them and we were laughing out loud, from start to finish," continues Maryse Gildas.

And yet, "sometimes it could seem a little cruel," she slips.

But behind the jest Jean-Yves Lafesse, there was also a man, Jean-Yves Lambert whose real name is.

"He was someone deep Jean-Yves, extremely kind, introverted I even think," remembers the one who worked with him.

"But when he got into the character of Germaine Ledoux, he became irresistible."

"In awe of Coluche"

Maryse Gildas also remembers the relationship between Jean-Yves Lafesse and another myth of humor, Coluche. "I think they both loved each other very much, even though they had differences. Jean-Yves was in awe of Coluche, he had told me so."