Interest in shares and investments has been extremely high during the pandemic, and this intense interest has also been evident among younger people - who are exactly the group that uses the Tiktok app to the greatest extent.

"We see a huge amount of content on TikTok, usually from ignorant commentators, who attract followers with promises of wealth, but who in fact make money from people signing up via affiliate links," Martin Bamford, financial planner, told Financial Times.

Several have sounded the alarm that young people are being deceived by various more or less blatant get rich quick promises.

And now Tiktok seems to want to end this.

In their updated policy document, they write that "all branded content that advertises financial services and products is prohibited".

Cryptocurrencies, forex trading and trading platforms are examples of such things that are covered by the ban.

"Younger people should not be exposed to such things"

Mohammed Salih, who works at Aktiespararna and has the Instagram account "Mohammed's road to the million", welcomes Tiktok's decision.

- I do not think younger people should have to be exposed to things like this at all.

The ban on advertising will protect these younger people, says Mohammed Salih.

In the video above, Mohammed Salih tells how the Chinese state's view of cryptocurrencies may have influenced the decision, and if he saw any change in Tiktok after the decision on the ban was made.