Since mistakes were made one after another in the text of the bill submitted to the Diet, the government has decided to prevent mistakes by utilizing the proofreading function of the document software.

In the previous ordinary session of the Diet, about 180 mistakes were found in accordance with the text and reference materials of the bill submitted by the government, and in some cases the bill's voting schedule was delayed.

The government has put together measures to prevent recurrence, citing inadequate multi-layered checking systems as the cause of mistakes.

On top of that, first of all, in addition to reading through by the staff, we will prevent mistakes by utilizing the review function of the document software and train young staff with know-how in drafting bills.

In the medium to long term, we will use digital technology to improve accuracy, rationalize and streamline operations, and lead to work style reforms for employees.

The government will thoroughly implement such recurrence prevention measures at each ministry and agency, and will also conduct training in the future.