
July 17, 2021

In England, a warning has been issued for an extraordinary heat wave expected for the weekend, when the hottest day of the year could be recorded.

But it's the whole UK that expects a mini-wave of heatwave, three consecutive days until 'Freedom Day', Monday, when health restrictions for Covid-19 will be relaxed.

Temperatures in the UK have been below average so far. The hottest day of the year was June 14, when the thermometer stopped at 29.7 C in Teddington, South West London. But it is still a long way off the record temperatures for the summer period, the 38.7 C recorded at Cambridge Botanical Gardens on 25 July 2019.

However, Public Health England urges citizens to organize themselves to stay cool and calls for help to those who may be at risk from the surge in temperature, which is expected to exceed 31 degrees Celsius. "We expect temperature thresholds to be exceeded in most of England," explains Will Lang of the UK Weather Office. "The high temperatures - he adds - are the main element of our forecasts until Tuesday, the day when they will drop." Public Health England stresses that especially the elderly and children are at risk. "For this reason we are appealing to all citizens asking them to take care of those who may be at risk".