It is very important when you visit your doctor that you talk to him frankly and reveal to him the smallest details in order to diagnose any health problems.

But before you start talking, a good doctor can pay attention to many signs about your health.

In a report published by the Australian edition of "Reader's Digest", writer Lindsey Tiger reviews some of the signs that doctors notice and diagnose the health condition by before talking to the patient or doing any tests.

1- body language

Dr. Lily Rosenthal says she pays close attention to a patient's posture when they first enter her clinic;

If the body language is open and the gait is confident, she can conclude that he is in a good state of mind.

"Body language and movement are very important. For example, when a patient drags their feet and moves slowly, they may have a lack of energy, they may be ill or depressed. I notice the movement of the arms and feet and the range of motion in general. Rather than just their heads, it could indicate a physical or emotional problem. Facial expressions also tell us a lot, and I focus on them a lot."

2- The hoarse voice and smoking

Your doctor may encourage you to quit smoking, and if you don't, he may take notice without you telling him about it.

Dermatologist Anna de Guanche confirms that she can recognize a smoker by simply approaching him. "They have a hoarse voice, inflamed gums, and a specific smell in their breath and clothes that they cannot detect themselves. They often also have slight yellowing of the nails and wrinkles around the lips that form years after applying Cigarette after cigarette in the mouth.

3- Bad breath may be a sign of diabetes

There are many causes for bad breath in the mouth.

Chronic bad breath may be a sign of a health problem, says Dr. Louisa Peter, a cardiologist, nutrition and weight loss specialist.

"Halitosis is present in patients with diabetes, liver disease, reflux, and bacterial bowel disorders, as well as poor dental care. A complication of diabetes is that ketoacidosis may produce a fruity odor, as a result of excessive production of ketones," Peter explains.

4- hollow temples

When you have a mild cold, your eyes may swell, your nasal passages may be blocked, and your face will look pale.

But when the condition is more serious, other signs may appear, according to Dr. Guanch.

The first sign of concern, she says, is when the temple area appears hollow, and other signs that confirm the suspicion of a health problem are weight loss and pale and dull skin, due to a loss of appetite as a result of taking certain medications.

Guanch adds that the grayish-tinged hue is caused by a lack of oxygenated blood due to the disease.

5- Yellow eyes indicate liver disease

Doctors pay close attention to yellowing of the skin and eyes, because it is one of the most common symptoms of liver disease.

Dr. Guanche says that one of the signs of liver disease is the yellowing of the whites of the eyes, which indicates early jaundice.

6- Skin ulcers indicate drug use

Dr. Guanche says doctors also notice some notable signs of drug use, usually related to skin tone and lean appearance.

Guanch explains that drug users "often have various ulcers and swollen skin, especially in the arms area. The sores can be a result of drug injections under the skin, or from the effects of drug use intravenously, or the accumulation of toxins from methamphetamine use."

7- Circles around the eyes

Circles and circles around the eyes may indicate a health problem, according to Dr. Rosenthal. "If there are rings under the eyes and the skin looks pale, these are important signs that there is a hidden health problem," she says.

8- Facial redness and high blood pressure

Dr. Peter says that blood pressure problems may first appear on the face, or more specifically, in the color of the face.

"When blood pressure rises, the body tries to lower it by expanding the vessels, and this produces redness in the face," Peter explains.

Skin diseases, such as acne and rosacea, can also cause skin redness, so you should see your doctor to find out the exact cause of the redness.

9- Acne and diet

Sometimes outbreaks of acne can indicate a poor diet, hormonal changes, a reaction to a specific food or an inappropriate environment, says Dr. Peter.

"Allergies lead to the release of histamine, which has a vasodilator effect and is responsible for the red spots," says Dr. Peter.

10- Puffy eyes may indicate kidney disease or an underactive thyroid

Dr. Peter stresses that puffiness around the eyes may indicate a kidney problem or an underactive thyroid gland.

"Puffiness around the eyes indicates allergies, kidney disease, or an underactive thyroid," she says. "Kidney disease can lead to a loss of proteins that hold fluid in the blood vessels. When albumin is low, fluid leaks into the tissues and thus leads to swelling. ".

Conversely, Dr. Guanche says, "Moist, bright or clear skin, the whites of the eyes, alertness when speaking, quick understanding, a smile and a clear tone of voice are all signs of good health."