<Anchor> In the

Democratic Party, the battle of nerves between the candidates for the presidential primary is getting fiercer. Candidate Lee Jae-myung criticized the two candidates, Nak-yeon Lee and Se-kyun Jeong, saying that the so-called 'friendship' controversy is a story of the Joseon Dynasty, and Candidate Nak-yeon Lee set a sharp edge that women would judge the allegations of Lee Jae-myung's scandal.

Next is reporter Yoo Su-hwan.


Lee Jae-myung's press conference was held online in the afternoon of the 16th.

In the recent election process, he seriously criticized pro-no-pro-mothers' 'red competition', which was controversial.

[Yijaemyeong / Democratic presidential primary candidate (ZOOM press conference): sugar masters in a democratic country are members, and such 'pedigree' feeling that picked the blood in which fits a little not in a modern democracy, I have a this idea -

after "Shipbuilding It's sad that the story that comes out when deciding the crown prince of the era is being debated in modern times."

Candidate Lee went on to say that he does not care much about Candidate Nak-yeon Lee, who has been on the rise in recent opinion polls.

Candidate Lee Nak-yeon went to Gwangju, the traditional support base of the passport, and went over the scandal of candidate Lee Jae-myung once more.

[Lee Nak-yeon/Democratic Party Presidential Candidate: (In the case of Governor Lee Jae-myung, what do you think of this part, such as a scandal or swearing at his brother-in-law?) I think women will judge.]

Then, the support rate for the concentrated offensive of rival runners targeting them is said to increase. It was countered that the culture of picking up flaws first was undesirable.

Amid the heated battle between the candidates, the Democratic Party voiced one voice against the criticism of former Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol and former Auditor General Choi Jae-hyung.

Because of the two shows, the prosecution and the Board of Audit and Inspection scrambled to say that they were a migratory bird's nest for aspiring political students, accusing former President Yoon of being a 'man Park Geun-hye' with an outdated view of the country, and Choi being the 'strongest man with no reason'

(Video coverage: Park Jin-ho, Kim Seung-tae, Video editing: Choi Hye-young)