Dozens of people are still missing after the heavy rainstorm that swept across Central Europe.

Cities have been flooded and several people have seen their houses destroyed, among them the German pensioner Edgar Gillessen.

He saw the water flowing through the central parts of his hometown while he lost contact with his family.

- It was impossible to get hold of them, everything was extinguished, says Edgar Gillessen.

One of the houses that was destroyed is his parents' home.

He describes what happened as a disaster where water flows came with such force that they floated on heavy trucks.

"I'm completely done"

Erika Stollenwerk has lived in the city of Schuld for 34 years.

She was in her home when the masses of water suddenly flowed in:

- It is completely inconceivable!

We've had high tide - yes, but this - no.

We had to escape up to the second floor.

I'm completely done.

Several houses have been torn down in her hometown.

In nearby villages, helicopters were deployed to rescue those in need.

She says that the water has broken her oil tank which supplies the house with energy and that the whole house now stinks:

- There is oil everywhere.

My car is destroyed.

It's a disaster.


What are we going to do with all the shit, Erika Stollenwerk wonders as she looks around at the devastation she is in.

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SVT's Elin Jönsson and Pablo Torres on site in German Schuld.

Photo: Pablo Torres / SVT & AP

"Most things are ruined"

SVT's broadcast reporter Elin Jönsson also testifies about devastation in the city of Schuld:

- There were even mattresses up in the trees, so it is with a very strong that the water has rushed through the city.

Even though the water masses have begun to recede, intensive work is underway.

- Many people are still missing in the area. We saw helicopters, ambulances and police who were out working. Residents were out watching the devastation, many looked shocked and terrified. Most of it is destroyed. There is no electricity, no internet or even fixed telephony, says Elin Jönsson.