• Ddl Zan.

    Salvini: "If he is rejected, it will be the fault of the left".

    Zanda: "Lega does not want this law"

  • Center-right: black smoke for the candidates.

    Salvini: "No single parties born suddenly"

  • Salvini: no single party, nobody cares

  • Government: Salvini da Draghi, but without speaking of the center-right federation

  • Quirinale, Salvini: "If Draghi ranks, he would have our support"


July 14, 2021

"Very useful meeting, total sharing on how to move forward in the coming months: reforms must be accelerated, the reform of justice is to be approved by the summer. Thus the leader of the Lega Matteo Salvini after his meeting with Prime Minister Mario Draghi. And he adds: "Anyone who gets in the way of reforms, whether it's Conte, Grillo or some current of the Democratic Party, will have an opponent in the League because the economic situation is positive, the sporting situation is positive, and the alarmists stop profession. The League is there ".

Salvini then said: "I asked for the reopening of dance clubs and discos, they are available to reopen this weekend, respecting the relevant protocols". And he added: "I submitted to the president what has been advanced by the regions: changing the color criteria and possible closures, then moving from the number of infections to that of hospitalizations and intensive care, which fortunately is under control". "Could there be more infections? Yes, but this does not mean that there will be more hospitalized and dead".

Green pass: no French model

"We are not for extremists, neither on either side. The French model is not a model. The obligation, the constraint, to ask for the green pass for those who take the bus or a coffee is out of the question. Do you think Draghi? Ask him, but neither he nor I like extreme choices, let's put it this way "said the Northern League leader. "The vaccine must be a conscious choice, not an obligation. It can be explained, but I do not chase anyone with the syringe on the street, at school or at the restaurant", said the leader of the League, adding: "Obviously we will have to respect the rules, for situations of large gathering ".

Ddl Zan: with mediation law approved by the summer

"If Letta insists on not listening to anything or anyone, he will sink the law. The League has collected the indications of associations, of the Holy Father, of gays, lesbians, teachers ... let's all vote together, it would be a good sign. which divides: children, gender in schools, censorship, gagging, denial of freedom of thought and speech, and the law is approved in the Senate and in the House by the summer, "Salvini said.

"If Letta insists on ideology, it does not do the good of gays, lesbians and trans people that he says he wants to defend - insists the leader of the League -: we saw him today in the Chamber on the vote on a suspension, 136 to 135, imagine what happens to the first amendment that will be voted on. We keep repeating: there is a mediation that brings together 99% of Parliament, we approve this law and move on to something else ".

We vote in October

On the administrative offices Salvini says: "Making the elections in September means presenting the lists in August, let's not joke. We vote on October 10" he explains about the request of some mayors to carry out the vote for the municipal elections in September .

Rai: "We are working"

"We are working," the Northern League leader then says to those who ask him if there is an agreement in the center-right on the names to be indicated to Parliament, in tonight's votes, for the Rai Board of Directors.