These 7 "winter diseases" are at the right time for Xia Zhi

  "Driving" in the dog days, in addition to enduring the hot and humid climate, don't forget the extra benefits that the hot and scorching season brings us-many people will seize this time to take some traditional Chinese medicine therapies to achieve winter sickness and summer treatment the goal of.

When it comes to "treatment in winter and summer", more people think of the "San Fu Tie", which is famous for treating chronic respiratory diseases.

In fact, it's much more than that.

Today, I will introduce 7 kinds of diseases suitable for Xia Zhi, as well as various treatment methods.

  "Winter disease and summer cure" makes sense

  The so-called "winter disease and summer treatment" refers to some diseases that are prone to onset or aggravation due to cold feeling. In the summer when the disease is relatively relieved, appropriate treatment and nourishment methods are adopted to prevent or reduce the onset of disease and even eradicate it. An off-season natural remedy for the purpose.

  According to the theories of "spring and summer nourishing yang", "the harmony of nature and man", "selecting time to cure disease", "incurable disease and curing before disease", the use of "futian" disease when it is not onset, through the use of drugs, application and other treatment methods to remove the disease. The conditions of Betfair (main or inducement) can regulate the body's viscera function and yang, and enhance the ability to resist diseases.

  However, not everyone is suitable for winter disease and summer treatment. For pregnant women, patients with severe cardiopulmonary disease, those who are allergic to drugs, those with skin blisters, boils, and those with broken skin, disease episodes (such as fever, coughing and wheezing) Etc.), even if they have the above indications, they need to be carefully evaluated, otherwise they may aggravate the disease or cause other symptoms.

  These 7 diseases are most suitable for Xia Zhi

  The winter disease and summer treatment method has obvious seasonality, that is, choose the disease that is easy to occur or aggravate in winter, and treat it in the summer.

  Respiratory diseases The main respiratory diseases suitable for winter disease and summer treatment are: chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, obstructive emphysema, chronic pharyngitis, repeated respiratory infections, emphysema, tuberculosis, etc.

  Acupoint application plasters can be used for respiratory diseases. Common ingredients include white mustard seeds, cinnamon, asarum, ginger juice and other natural Chinese medicines.

  Gastrointestinal diseases The gastrointestinal diseases suitable for winter disease and summer treatment mainly include chronic gastritis, functional dyspepsia, peptic ulcer, and chronic colitis.

  From the perspective of modern lifestyles, people who are gluttonous in summer and often stay in air-conditioned rooms can easily damage the spleen and stomach.

Therefore, these people use acupuncture and acupoint application treatment, which can stimulate righteousness, relieve pain, and reduce attacks in winter.

  Rheumatic diseases are suitable for winter and summer treatment. Rheumatic diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and other arthralgias. The common feature of these diseases is that they are aggravated by the cold in winter and the condition is repeated. The effect will be very significant if it is treated in the summer dog days.

  Allergic diseases The allergic diseases suitable for winter disease and summer treatment mainly include allergic rhinitis, allergic skin diseases, and allergic colitis.

Generally speaking, most people who are prone to allergies have cold physique. According to the treatment principle of "cold is hot" in Chinese medicine, they should be treated with hot medicines and tonics.

Secondly, "emergency treats the symptoms, slow treats the root cause". Summer is not the season of high incidence of allergic diseases, but is the remission period.

Therefore, treatment is a permanent cure at this time.

The application of warming and tonic drugs at relevant acupoints can stimulate the meridians, improve physical fitness, and improve immunity.

  Osteopathy diseases suitable for winter disease and summer treatment are mainly chronic neck and low back pain, frozen shoulder, cervical spondylosis and so on.

Most bone injuries are caused by incorrect postures. You can use a plaster that warms the yang to drive away the cold and puts it on acupuncture points on the spine that nourishes the whole body, such as Dazhu, Mingmen, Shenzhu, Yanglingquan, etc. Cervical spine and lumbar spine are not good, can be applied along the spine.

If it is pain in the arm or knee joint, apply plaster on the main acupoints of the limbs, such as Zusanli and Shousanli.

  Gynecological diseases suitable for winter disease and summer treatment are endometriosis, dysmenorrhea, pelvic inflammatory disease and so on.

  Traditional Chinese medicine believes that after syndrome differentiation, it is a gynecological disease caused by deficiency and cold factors, and winter disease and summer treatment will have a significant effect.

Winter disease and summer treatment can easily remove the yin and cold in the body, relax the meridians, warm the cold and dampness, promote blood circulation and remove stasis, thereby promoting the pelvic blood circulation of female patients and treating many chronic gynecological diseases.

Fu moxibustion ointment acupoint application is the main treatment for winter and summer gynecological diseases.

  Sub-health state Chinese medicine believes that the state of health includes not only the balance of yin and yang within the human body, but also the balance of yin and yang between the human body and the external environment.

In the sub-health state, the balance of yin and yang in the body is broken, but no substantial disease has occurred. At this time, it is relatively easy to treat and it is not easy to cause harm to the body.

Many symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, and more dreams belong to the sub-health state, and different methods can be used for winter and summer treatment according to the specific symptoms.

  Four "secret weapons" for winter sickness and summer treatment

  Acupoint sticking is a therapy that is applied to specific acupoints on the meridians with traditional Chinese medicine preparations based on the theory of syndrome differentiation in the summer.

The medicine enters the inside through the skin, reaches the meridians and viscera, in order to achieve the purpose of treatment.

  Moxibustion generally uses moxa leaves as raw materials to make moxa, moxa sticks and moxa sticks. Use moxa or other medicines to place the acupoints or painful areas on the body and burn and iron them.

With the mild heat of moxibustion and the action of drugs, through the conduction of the meridians, it can warm the meridians, reconcile qi and blood, coordinate yin and yang, strengthen the body and eliminate evil.

  Gua Sha Use a scraping board dipped in a little Gua Sha oil to scrape the skin surface in one direction.

Gua Sha can stimulate the acupoints of the meridians, causing local skin to become red and congested, and bluish-purple bleeding spots appear, which is commonly known as "Sha".

In order to improve local microcirculation, it has the functions of dredging the meridians, relaxing muscles and qi, dispelling wind and cold, excites the body's nervous, circulatory, immune, and excretory systems, and speeds up metabolism.

  Cupping Cupping is also a common Chinese medicine method for winter sickness and summer treatment.

The principle of cupping winter disease and summer treatment is similar to that of Gua Sha. It stimulates the acupoints of the meridians and makes the local skin red and congested to clear the meridians and remove the cold.

It's just that you need to select the muscle-rich parts to keep the tank, and the operation time is shorter.

Text/Wei Huamin (Beijing Friendship Hospital)