It was on 22 February this year that the child's preschool made a report of concern to the municipality as the child had not come to preschool for several weeks.

Then they received information that the child had been handed over to an institution in the country of birth, after the parents regretted the adoption.

The country of birth believes that the child belongs there and that the adoption has therefore been revoked.

The municipality, on the other hand, means that according to Swedish legislation it is not legal to revoke an adoption in that way, Dagens Nyheter reports today.

No help from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

In March this year, the Administrative Court decided to make an emergency report and care in accordance with LVU (the Act on the Care of Young People).

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs could not pursue the matter further, but now the municipality itself must take the fight.

The municipality of Lex Sarah reported themselves earlier this spring because they discovered shortcomings in how the adoptive parents were investigated in connection with the adoption.