One of the most annoying things that may spoil your elegance and even your whole day, when coffee drops spill or oil stains fly, leaving a noticeable mark on your clothes.

Even more disturbing is the realization that this stain has spoiled the clothes for good.

But the good news is that most stubborn stains that may leave a permanent mark on clothes, can be completely treated... Here are a set of tips to get rid of the effects of tough stains.

coffee stains

Spilling a few drops of coffee or even the entire cup, is a frustrating event that lovers of this drink are well aware of, especially since the coffee stain is quite stubborn and it is not easy to get rid of its traces on cotton clothes.

But these brown spots can be eliminated through the following steps:

  • Clear as much coffee as possible right away.

  • Then mix warm water, liquid dish soap, and white vinegar.

  • Use a clean white cloth to wipe the stain with the solution.

  • If the stain is quite old, use a little warm water to soften the dry coffee first.

Wash the stain as soon as possible (Shutterstock)

Oil and grease stains

For many, oil and grease stains mean that the clothes they spilled on will expire, but the solution to removing them is to soak up as much of the grease as possible using a powder, such as baking soda, baby powder or cornstarch.

wall paint stains

Getting rid of paint stains on clothes needs to be done quickly, as once the water-based paint dries, it cannot be removed.

To remove paint stains, simply wash them under warm water, then wash as usual.

For oil-based varnishes and paints, wipe the stain with paint thinner or turpentine, rinse and treat with a stain remover, then wash it the traditional way.

Most stubborn stains can leave a permanent mark on clothes, but they can be fixed (Shutterstock)

ink stains

Whether your child accidentally writes on your clothes or pen ink leaks in your pocket, we have some effective options for cleaning that stain.

Apply plain white toothpaste to the pencil mark, then rub the cloth to remove the stain.

Stain removal tips and tricks

No matter what type of stain you're trying to remove, experts recommend the following:

  • Speed

    , the easiest way to remove stains is to treat them as quickly as possible, even the most powerful stain removers will have a hard time removing stains that have been left to dry before treating them.

  • Pat and don't rub too vigorously

    , as rubbing can contribute to the stain spreading with fabric fibers and making it more difficult to remove.

  • Use cold water,

    as it is less likely to leave a mark on the fabric, while hot water can set protein stains like milk or eggs.

  • Never let the stain dry

    , keep the stain away from direct heat, including lamps, and never put the stained clothes in the dryer, the heat will set the stain.

  • Check the


    on clothing before attempting to remove stains, as some fabrics may require dry cleaning only.

  • If you are trying to remove a stain from the carpet, test a small, inconspicuous area first.

  • Don't despair

    , you may have to repeat the treatments several times or even try different treatments but don't give up, even the old spots are eliminated with repetition.