• Ddl Zan, the Pd deputy speaks to RaiNews24: "No to secret votes, there is a majority"

  • Bill Zan, battle in the Senate over numbers and amendments

  • Zan bill: tension in the majority, Pd and M5S against the Italia Viva amendments

  • Ddl Zan, Iv: via gender identity and 'save ideas' clause from the text

  • Bill Zan, no from the League to the mediation proposal

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05 July 2021 "Salvini has always opposed this law with an unparalleled obstructionism, he is one of Orban's major allies in Europe, he has signed the charter of values ​​of the sovereign right, and has no intention of approving this law and indeed is probably also using Italia Viva to really try to bury it ".

Alessandro Zan of the Democratic Party said this, speaking on "What remains of the day" on RaiNews24.

"I make a further appeal to the friends of Italia Viva, let's not fall into Salvini's trap, let's bring home a law of civilization that Italy has been waiting for too long", added Zan.

"No to secret votes, there is a majority"

"I am against secret votes, Parliament must express itself in the light of the sun with a sense of responsibility. Mediation is not played on the skin of the people". Alessandro Zan told RaiNews24. If we add up the groups that supported the law in the chamber, among which there were also center-right deputies, there is a clear majority. I think that in the end Iv will not slip away ", he concludes.

" The bill is the result of mediation between all the parties "

" The so-called Zan bill "approved by the Chamber" is the result of a mediation that has seen all the parties involved and protagonists in giving a positive contribution. "This was stated by the deputy of the Democratic Party, Alessandro Zan, in a live broadcast on Facebook.

"The process of the bill - he recalls - began in the Chamber in October 2019: we took all the existing bills (mine, that of Scalfarotto, that of the 5 stars, that of Boldrini and one of FI) and we had them conveyed into a shared basic text, and to do so we availed ourselves of the help of experts and jurists ".

"This path - affirms Zan - has been very long and mediation has reached an advanced point of equilibrium, where all the political forces recognized themselves. Article 1, which Iv would like to remove, - underlines - was proposed by Lucia Annibali , deputy of IV, and the definitions on gender identity were also agreed by Minister Elena Bonetti.

It was a shared, tiring work, but also as a team work on article 4 and article 7 on schools ", he concludes.

The numbers of the Zan bill

In the Senate we are dealing with the possible vote in the classroom on the Zan bill that should be held from July 13 onwards. Tomorrow there will be an early vote, with the session called for 16 on the classroom calendar. In reality it is a different vote. First of all because it will take place by open vote. And then because, albeit for opposite reasons, both those in favor and those against the Zan bill have an interest in going to the courtroom.

The vote in the hemicycle of Palazzo Madama should therefore be from 13, and it remains to be seen which line-up will be created on the amendments of Italia viva, which could pass in whole or in part with the vote of the center-right and with the participation of former Giallorossi snipers. .

In a completely abstract line, parliamentary sources calculate that 6 senators from the Catholic area in the Pd and 5-6 of the M5s could decree the modification of the text. It remains to be seen what Italia alive will do. But this is a doubt that concerns the other votes, not those on the amendments of Italia viva. Because if Renzi intends to the League the desire to scuttle the Zan bill, it is obvious that if the text risks it is on the amendments of Italia viva.

Renzi's party will not vote with the League for other proposed changes, but it will certainly vote on its own amendments. And it is easy to guess that it is on those that the center-right will converge. Based on this calculation, the Democratic Party gives Renzi the will to decree or not the end of the Zan bill.

A margin of hope comes from the mixed group. Made up of 46 senators, it is estimated that at least half could vote in favor of the Zan text. If this happens these senators, together with isolated center-right senators (in Forza Italia) in favor of the PD proposal, and a silent sedition - a sort of conscientious objection among the Renzians - could ignite a last faint hope for the Zan bill. But these are all hypothetical arguments. The bill without Iv does not have the numbers. And if there is no agreement at the table of the group leaders tomorrow morning, the process of the bill could stop on 13 July.