Guest of Europe Soir Week-end, Rémi Salomon, president of the AP-HP Establishment Medical Commission, believes that it is time for the authorities to change their minds in terms of vaccine promotion.

Promoter of pedagogy in the face of reluctance, he believes that the messages "are too often injunctions". 


Explain tirelessly the operation and interest of vaccination against the coronavirus. While the threat of a fourth wave led by the Delta variant "is very real", Professor Rémi Salomon insists that we must continue to convince people to be vaccinated against the coronavirus. To do this, he campaigns to highlight pedagogy in government messages. Following the example of the ARS Paca campaign which has the slogan, "Yes, the vaccine can have desirable effects", Rémi Salomon believes that it is time for the authorities to change their minds in terms of vaccine promotion. "The messages are too often injunctions to go there, you have to take the time to explain in detail". 

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