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02 July 2021 In 2020, 278 collective measures were adopted. The Authority provided feedback to approximately 9,000 complaints and reports regarding, among other things, marketing and telematic networks; online data from public administrations; health; IT security; the banking and financial sector; the job. The opinions given by the College on regulatory and administrative acts were 60 and concerned health (Covid-19); the taxman; Justice; Transports; the digitization of the Public Administration; statistics. There were 7 opinions on rules of primary rank (in particular, on the digitization of the PA and Covid-19) 18 were the opinions given on civic access. These are some of the data that emerge from the 2020 Annual Report of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data.

"The social function of privacy is made even more evident in a situation, such as the present one, characterized by significant transformations in the relationship between the individual and the community, between freedom and powers, which make this an almost constituent season under the guarantee of rights. persistence of the pandemic condition has taught us to live with the limitations of rights, however tracing the boundary that separates the derogation from the anomie, demonstrating how democracy must always be able to fight with a hand behind its back "said Pasquale Stanzione, President of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data.

"The reforms indicated by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan - among which digital innovation, understandably, occupies a central position - must also be carried out considering, among the essential parameters, data protection, as a factor of competitive advantage for the country-system and, at the same time, a prerequisite for the legitimacy of public action "- continues the Guarantor for the protection of personal data - Inscribing adequate guarantees for privacy in the reform process means, in fact, instilling citizens with confidence in the work of

public administrations and, at the same time, favoring a 'safe' innovation and, therefore, competitive because it is risk-free, as well as not regressive in terms of rights and freedoms - he continues - In planning reforms and in their concrete implementation it will be , therefore, institutional dialogue and consultation with the Guarantor are indispensable, which far from representing an obstacle, has proved to be the determining factor of every successful innovation ".

" The prerogatives of an independent Authority should not be confused, to protect a fundamental right, directly from the European Treaties, with mere formalism or, worse, with an alleged brake on the reform action to which the Guarantor has always provided a constructive contribution, in order to be both more effective, but no less free " he concludes.

Without disconnections, smart working nullifies rights

"The introduction - requested by the Guarantor, albeit with a wider scope than that envisaged - of the right to disconnect, to be exercised without prejudice to the worker, to prevent excessive osmosis between life and work time that otherwise risks, with smart working, to nullify some of the most basic achievements of labor law "explains Stanzione. 

Essential technology, but no digital gangster

"Digital has shown that it can be at the service of mankind, but not without a price that we must be aware of: the progressive centralization, at the head of the platforms, of a power that is no longer just economic, but also - and always more - performative, social, even decision-making. A power that is innervated in the economic-social structures, to the point of permeating that 'digital hiring' compared to the workers of the gig economy, protagonists of the first strike against the algorithm: the 'digital invisibles', as they have been defined by some "underlines Stanzione. And he adds: "The pandemic has demonstrated the indispensability of the services they provide but, at the same time, also the need for a strategy with respect to their pervasive 'digital tracking', to contractual supremacy,to the same 'superstructural' hegemony, therefore cultural, informative, achieved with targeted advertising ".

Alarming data on child pornography: + 132%

"Also due to the telematics of life, induced by the pandemic, in 2020 there was an increase of about 132%, compared to 2019 in the cases treated by the National Center for the fight against child pornography and an increase of 77% of cases of child victimization due to grooming, cyber bullying, digital identity theft, sextorsion. 68% of adolescents were reported to have witnessed cases of cyberbullying in 2020 (Terres des Hommes). These are alarming data, which cannot fail to require an assumption of collective responsibility with respect to subjects, such as minors, whose vulnerabilities can make them the elective victims of web distortions, notes the President of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data.

Journalism does not yield to media spectacularization

"Journalism must fulfill its high duty of information in compliance with the canon of essentiality, without giving in to the temptation of spectacularization and sensationalism that risks degenerating the cornerstone of democracies (freedom of information, in fact), in the media pillory "underlines Stanzione in the report.

Ensuring the privacy of migrants, vulnerable individuals

"Following a joint initiative with the National Guarantor for the rights of persons deprived of their liberty, directors and prison workers were invited to adopt some essential guarantees for the protection of the confidentiality of the interviews conducted via Skype by inmates, combining respect of the prohibition of auditory control with the need to verify the identity of the interlocutors - says Stanzione - The initiative is part of a broader and more organic collaboration undertaken with the aforementioned Guarantor, to ensure even subjects in a particular condition vulnerabilities such as detainees, migrants restricted to CPR (detention centers for repatriation), guests of REMS (Residences for the execution of security measures),the essential component of dignity which is the right to privacy ". 

57 million for aggressive telemarketing

On the consumer protection front, the Guarantor intervened against aggressive telemarketing with the application of heavy penalties (for a total amount of 57 million euros in 2020 alone), most of which concern use without consent of subscriber data.

The investigation made it possible to bring out a sort of "underbrush" of sub-suppliers, who often operate in conditions of legitimacy. 

The Security Information Department recorded an increase in attacks (+ 20%) in 2020, targeting public entities in 83% of cases, confirming the vulnerability of the PA's IT systems, says Pasquale Stanzione #RelazioneGPDP #GarantePrivacy pic. twitter.com/PFfbDqR3Qp

- Privacy Guarantor (@GPDP_IT) July 2, 2021