In recent years, bus-driving jet skis have been a controversial topic.

From 1 July, new laws will apply that will increase safety at bathing sites and at sea.

Bus driving is classified as unnecessary or disruptive driving and entails a fine of SEK 1,500.

Anyone who plays too loud and disturbing music will be fined for annoying behavior and will be fined SEK 1,000.

The new thing about the legislation is that the fine can be distributed directly on the spot, which will save time for the police.

Earlier, the police wrote an injunction that eventually led to a court and then resulted in a fine.

Today also begins the first step towards the requirement for a driver's license to drive a jet ski.

The requirement to have a driver's license applies from 1 May 2022, but you can already attend the training required to obtain the driver's license.

The new laws also apply to boats.