In 2022, the traffic police will have equipment to instantly determine the drunkenness of drivers.

This was stated by the head of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Mikhail Chernikov in an interview with the radio station "Police Wave".

“We, within the framework of the implementation of the national project, will see indication means next year that allow us to instantly index drivers with signs of intoxication,” Chernikov said.

According to him, a special device for exhaled air will reveal whether the driver has alcohol vapors or not.

In the absence of signs of intoxication, the motorist will be able to continue driving without a medical examination.

“In many countries this is already being applied, where in a couple of minutes a person can be checked and he will continue to move.

First of all, this is done for the safety of the driver and others.

People are sympathetic to this.

Within the framework of the national project, we will be able to purchase and put into service such devices.

Due to this, we will more effectively exclude drunk drivers from the traffic flow, ”he stressed.

The head of the traffic police also gave the current statistics.

So, in the first six months of 2021, more than 220 thousand drivers were attracted for driving a vehicle in a state of intoxication, about 27 thousand of them - again.

On June 9, State Duma deputies in the third reading adopted a bill to increase the term of imprisonment to three years for repeated drunk driving.

“This is more than 10%, a huge amount.

An increase to three years (liability for repeated drunk driving

. - RT

) will make it possible to re-qualify article 264 into an article of medium gravity.

Here, stricter measures to exclude the driver from road traffic are possible.

It is scary when more than four thousand of our citizens die under the wheels, only through the fault of drivers of this category.

We need to fight this very hard, ”explained Chernikov.

At the same time, Mikhail Chernikov pointed out that over the past decade, the death rate on Russian roads has almost halved.

According to him, only the right thinking will allow reaching zero death rates - citizens should be aware that a car is a source of increased danger.

He added that the correct use of photo and video cameras also helps to achieve a reduction in road deaths.

At the moment, over 21 thousand cameras are in operation in Russia, their installation in hazardous places leads to a decrease in the centers of accidents.

“For many years of using fixation cameras, not only in our country, but also abroad, a positive result has appeared.

In many European countries, mortality has dropped to four people per 100 thousand population.

Our country has committed itself to achieve such a result by 2030, ”Chernikov said.

In June, a draft order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was published, regulating the procedure for supervising the observance of traffic rules, it says about the rules for covert supervision of violations on the roads.

So, traffic police officers working in the mode of covert supervision can move by car without a special color scheme and are not required to wear uniforms.

Thus, inspectors will be able to record a number of violations that can lead to an accident, in particular, the facts of dangerous driving, driving into the oncoming lane, speeding, violations of the rules for crossing intersections, pedestrian crossings, as well as the rules for using the phone while driving.

In the same month, the traffic police supported the initiative to reduce the speed limit within cities and towns from 60 km / h to 30 km / h.

At the same time, Dmitry Mitroshin, head of the Research Center for Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, pointed out that the issue of reducing the speed limit should be resolved individually for each street: "We need a large-scale revision of street and road networks, that is, not just introduce restrictions."

  • © RIA Novosti / Alexey Filippov

Speaking about the appearance of instant detection devices, the chairman of the Movement of Motorists of Russia Viktor Pokhmelkin noted that the main thing is to comply with procedural guarantees and protocol rules in relation to the driver.

“That is, either an on-site examination must be carried out using a breathalyzer, and this is done according to the rules that are established today: the breathalyzer must be unsealed in the presence of the driver, it must be certified, and a protocol must be drawn up.

Further, if the driver does not agree with the results, he should be sent for a medical examination, "the interlocutor of RT explained.

In turn, partner of the Autostat analytical agency, auto expert Igor Morzharetto, in an interview with RT, also added that the operation of the new device, which they plan to equip inspectors with, should be clear to motorists. In addition, the regulation of the traffic police should be spelled out.