Customs has investigated a case in which two people from southern Finland and a person from northern Finland are suspected of having committed gross tax fraud and smuggling.

This is done by importing more than 2,000 kilograms of snus illegally from Sweden to Finland and by passing on the snus further during the years 2019-2020.

During the corona restrictions for border crossings, people have smuggled in snus across the Torne River and Muonio River, but also through places other than the official border crossing points.

Used motor boat in Pello

During the winter, snus has been transported by snowmobile and sleigh, during the summer by motorboat.

Customs managed to seize a cargo of 265 kilos of snus, which had been brought into the country a little earlier by a motorboat in Pello, Övertorneå municipality, and which was being transported by van to southern Finland.

The value of the smuggled snus is more than 200,000 euros and the amount of excise duty evaded is more than 800,000 euros.

The case has been prosecuted.

The snus was transported from Sweden to Finland by means of a snowmobile and sleigh as well as a motorboat.

Photo: Finnish Customs