Your blood type can represent an open window on your health, and your future vulnerability to certain diseases. What are the secrets your blood type tells you?

Writing in the US Readers Digest, author Jessica Megala says that the presence of specific antigens determines blood type, along with proteins called the RH factor.

She points out that these antigens and molecules not only determine the blood type, but also affect the organs and functions of the body, such as blood vessels, nerve cells and platelets, and thus are an indicator of diseases that increase the likelihood of infection.

There are two classifications of blood groups that overlap:

  • ABO: There are 4 blood types: type O, type A, type B, and type AB.

  • Rh: where there are two types, Rh-positive blood and Rh-negative.

Each person's blood type is a mixture of two classifications, such as A Rh positive and O Rh negative.

Secrets about your health that your blood type tells you:

Type A, B and AB: heart disease بأمراض

All blood groups except for "O" have the proteins responsible for blood clotting with an increase of between 25% and 30%.

Therefore, they may face a higher risk of dying from heart disease.

Type O: lower risk of blood clots

People with this type of blood have fewer proteins responsible for clotting, and therefore they are less likely to develop this problem.

On the other hand, they are more likely to bleed severely when injured.

Type O: Fertility problems

This type of blood can affect pregnancy and childbearing.

As the owners of this type have higher amounts of the hormone, which negatively affects the ovaries and reduces the egg cells, and thus the chances of fertilization and pregnancy.

Types other than O: Increased risk of stomach cancer

The writer points out that some medical research has found a link between specific blood types and the risk of heart disease and gastrointestinal cancer, due to the increased likelihood of infections and the multiplication of bacteria caused by stomach ulcers.

Other blood types except O: vein thrombosis problems

Because of differences in the clotting process, blood types A and B are more likely to develop venous thromboembolism, which occurs in the veins of the legs, arms and thighs, and can reach the lungs.

Blood type AB: amnesia

People in this blood group are much rarer in the world, and have an 82% higher chance of developing problems that may lead to dementia later in life.

Type A and B: diabetes

People with types A and B have a 21% higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, compared to people with type O. Scientists don't know exactly why, and one explanation is that this type of blood affects glucose metabolism and inflammation.

Things that have nothing to do with your blood type


You may have heard about the appropriate blood type diet, which is related to the appetite for certain foods and the avoidance of others, in order to have good health and avoid some diseases.

However, a 2013 study conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded that there was no concrete evidence to prove the benefit of these diets.


The writer asserts that the theory that claims that blood type explains people's behavior has no scientific basis.

However, there is a Japanese study published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE, which indicated that there are personality traits that are more frequent in the owners of certain blood types.

For example, people of type A showed higher levels of persistence, compared to types B and O.

In conclusion, the writer points out that it is not the blood group that determines the fate of a person and the future of his health, as there are severe differences in this regard even within ethnic groups.

She stresses that even if it is proven that blood type may affect health, doctors do not advise changing lifestyle accordingly.