Garlic has many benefits, it may help reduce the risk of some diseases, and it is enough to eat one or two cloves of it every day, so what happens to the body when eating garlic daily?

In a report published by the Spanish magazine "cuerpo mente", author Claudina Navarro said that a study published in August 2019 in the "Food Science Nutrition" magazine sheds light on the health effects of plants of the genus Allium. vegetable), which includes leeks, garlic, and onions.

Among all the vegetables belonging to the allium family, garlic has many health benefits:

garlic and cancer

Eating leeks, onions and garlic daily reduces the risk of stomach cancer by 50%.

Research has shown that a lower risk of laryngeal and esophageal cancer is related to regular consumption of garlic, not onions or other vegetables from the same family.

In contrast, eating garlic does not reduce the risk of colon cancer, which indicates that the active ingredients in this type of vegetable may be affected during the digestive process.

However, garlic was shown to slightly reduce the risk of colon polyps by 12%.

And polyps - also known as (polyps) - are nodular swellings on the surface of the mucous membrane, and they do not usually pose a threat to health, but they must be diagnosed early and removed from certain places in the body, such as the intestines and the uterus.

In most cases, bowel polyps are benign, and this is verified by examining the tissue in a laboratory.

However, bowel polyps must be removed since benign tumors may turn into malignant tumors (intestinal cancer);

So the earlier it is removed, the better, and the eradication is done by an endoscopy.

On the other hand, eating garlic (not onions) reduces the risk of prostate cancer by about 23%.

Garlic, cholesterol and arteriosclerosis

Garlic helps reduce calcification of blood vessels (atherosclerosis) and is useful for preventing cardiovascular disease.

According to a study conducted on people with high levels of cholesterol and fats in the blood, it was found that with daily consumption of one to two grams of garlic for an average of 12 weeks, the level of cholesterol decreased by an average of 17 mg/dL, and bad cholesterol (also known as low lipoprotein) was decreased. "LDL Low-density lipoprotein") increased by 10 mg/dL, while levels of good cholesterol (also known as "high-density lipoprotein" HDL) increased by 3.2 mg/dL, and triglycerides decreased by 12.4 mg/dL. deciliters.

To achieve better results, it is necessary to eat garlic daily for at least 8 weeks.

Garlic is an anticoagulant

Aged garlic extract is a natural blood thinner, but it did not increase the risk of internal bleeding, according to animal studies.

Garlic is anti-gingivitis

Aged garlic extract improves oral health, reduces gingivitis and bleeding.

garlic and diabetes

For diabetics, garlic can lower fasting glucose by 11 mg/dL, and HbA1c by an average of 0.6 mg/dL.

No side effects

Eating garlic only affects the smell of the mouth, and may sometimes cause gas, reflux and belching, while allergic reactions remain very rare.