The Left Party, the Christian Democrats, the Moderates and the Sweden Democrats voted yes to the no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Stefan Löfven in the Riksdag.

The Liberals and the Center Party abstained in the no-confidence vote and printed yellow.

The governing parties the Social Democrats and the Green Party voted no.

Thus, there is a majority in the Riksdag to overthrow Prime Minister Stefan Löfven.

181 members voted to remove Löfven, 109 members voted no and 51 members abstained.

8 members were absent.

Before the vote, the parties presented their explanations of vote in the Riksdag's rostrum.

- We left-wing parties will not contribute to dismantling the Swedish model.

If Stefan Löfven and Annie Lööf want to implement market rents, it will not be done in my and the Left Party's name, says Nooshi Dadgostar.

Shortly before the no-confidence vote, Stefan Löfven called a digital press conference at 11.45