The incident occurred on June 8 and when the patient woke up after falling asleep from the intoxication, he became so outspoken that staff had to alert the police via 112.

"It is unclear what the patient has taken for drugs but becomes threatening verbally towards ward staff and throws food trays, bedside tables and other things that are by the bed," it says in the report.

The police had to call for help

The police were on site within ten minutes, but the patrol had to request reinforcements to be able to transport the patient.

The care staff escaped without physical injuries, but in the report to the Swedish Work Environment Authority, the injuries are described as more than material.

“It is an injury to the care room but also a mental injury to staff who were exposed to verbal threats and physical threats.

The extent of the injuries is significant for the staff ”.

The report also states that the care staff did not have a personal alarm.