The attacks on the LGBTQ movement by leading politicians have been several in Poland in recent years.

In the presidential election last summer, President Andrzej Duda said that the promotion of LGBT rights is an ideology that is more destructive than communism.

In a speech, he described how his parents had fought against communism in Eastern Europe for 40 years.

And that they had not done so in order for "a new ideology that is even more destructive to emerge".

Duda was re-elected president.

And when Pride is now to be celebrated in the country, a year later, the country's independent media has gone out to support the parade.

On Saturday, the letters L, G, B and T suddenly disappeared from headlines and logos on the news sites.

LGBT is the Polish equivalent of LGBTQ, ie gay, bisexual, trans and queer people.

According to the media themselves, it is a symbolic way to show how incomplete and defective Poland would be without the LGBTQ community.

See how the media acted in support of Pride in the video above.