Guest of Europe Soir, the head of the list of La France insoumise (LFI) in Ile-de-France at the regional meetings of June 20 and 27, Clémentine Autain did not mince words against Valérie Pécresse.

The candidate also gave the main thrusts of her political program, focusing in particular on "the needs of Ile-de-France residents".  


The political battle rages on.

Three days before the ballot in the first round of regional elections, the LFI candidate Clémentine Autain, did not hold back her words against Valérie Pécresse, the current president of Ile-de-France.

"Valérie Pécresse, by the measures she has taken, the remarks she made, walks in the footsteps of the extreme right. I say it very quietly", she said at the microphone of Europe Soir .

"It takes up ideas, and validates presuppositions, from the extreme right."

"She is a little more every day a gateway to the far right"

"Basically, I do not understand what she is saying, she has the word republic in her mouth from morning to night but is a little more every day a gateway to the extreme right", adds the member of the 11th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis. An assertion that Clémentine Autain supports in particular by the "good word of Jordan Bardella", head of the RN list, who recently criticized Valérie Pécresse for "stealing his files", or by the choice of Valérie Pécresse to grant an interview , "surely the last of his great interviews", to the far-right weekly Valeurs Actuelles. 

Invited this morning in the morning of Europe 1, Valérie Pécresse had for her part called on the left to make partition with "the ultra-left of Jean-Luc Mélenchon", an obvious political tactic according to Clémentine Autain.

"I understand the problem of Valérie Pécresse, the union of these three lists [LFI, EELV and PS, editor's note] of the left is the condition of winning against her."

Promising a union with Julien Bayou and Audrey Pulvar in case of victory in the first round, Clémentine Autain takes out her calculator and wants to "give hope to the voters of the left:" To the three of us, we are at more than 30% [of intentions of vote in the polls], Valérie Pécresse is around 30%.

We are therefore the only ones who can dispute the region with him. "

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