A huge 1098 carat rough diamond was found in Botswana, southern Africa, one of the world's leading diamond producers.

An executive of the company that excavated said, "It will probably be the third largest in history."

An archaeological site of 1098 carats of rough diamond was excavated in Botswana earlier this month.

According to Reuters news agency, the size is 73 mm in length and 52 mm in width and 27 mm in thickness, and it was unveiled at a ceremony attended by President Maxixe on the 16th in the capital Gaborone.

"It's probably the third largest gemstone in history," said an executive at the excavated company.

It is said that the method of sale has not been decided, but the diamond, which was also discovered in Botswana in 2015 and is considered to be the second largest in the world, was sold for about 5.9 billion yen.

The Botswana government has posted a comment on Twitter by President Maxixe, saying that "diamond profits will be used for the development of the country."