Operation "Trojan Shield" is described by the European Police Office, Europol, as one of the largest operations ever aimed at some of the world's most influential criminals.

The operation, which was initiated by the FBI, succeeded in tracking down suspects through the encrypted chat platform Anom. 

The operation is said to have lasted for three years and involved police in 16 countries - including Sweden. 

At the beginning of last week, a large number of dawn raids were made around the world, where the police gathered at many addresses at the same time.  

The police have now compiled the results of the Swedish part of the operation.

Among other things, they state that 196 house searches have been made. 

Several fittings 

During the raids in Sweden, a large amount of drugs has been seized.

A total of just over three tonnes of hashish, amphetamine, marijuana and cocaine, among other things.

In addition, 15 weapons and two hand grenades were seized. 

In addition to weapons and drugs, the police also state that they have seized several vehicles and cash worth almost four million kronor. 

155 people were detained and according to the police, they must have prevented about ten murders or serious acts of violence.

Here is the Trojan Shield operation - in 60 seconds:

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60 seconds on surgery: Trojan Shield Photo: TT