The Norrbotten region itself writes that it is about "60 employees in staff and support functions" who risk being laid off.

Almost two years ago, a major restructuring of the Norrbotten Region was initiated, including the introduction of a layoff.

Since then, the number of employees has decreased by just over 300 employees, most of whom are in the staff and support functions.

The reductions have taken place through natural retirements in the form of pensions and that employees themselves have chosen to leave the region.

"Dialogue with the unions about redundant employees"

For about a month now, the Norrbotten Region has had a new organization and the map for staff and support functions has been redrawn.

At the moment, 60 people are missing a position in the new organization and relocation investigations have begun.

- Now there is a dialogue with the trade unions that represent the redundant employees, says Daniel Westerberg, head of negotiations, in a press release.