It is students from the university who have had DNA-analyzed four carcasses from stone martens in the area around Bromölla.

The tests reported in the study show that all animals are related to the mother's side.

Exactly how the relationship looks can not be said, but it is probably a lone female who immigrated from another country and multiplied in the area.

She has either been pregnant on arrival or mated on the spot.

Stenmården is a major problem further south in Europe, where it is breaking billions of electricity cables for billions.

Increased risks

The conclusion from the students is in any case that the species stone marten should be seen as established in the area when the rejuvenation took place here.

Because the stone marten can find food, reproduce and obtain surviving offspring, the risk of the alien species spreading increases.

- Now we know that they survive here and that they can therefore spread across the country, says Karin Wetterberg, student in the biology program.

How does it affect the opportunities to eradicate the species in Sweden?

- Right now we do not know how many individuals there are, but the more they become, the more difficult it becomes, says Karin Wetterberg.

She believes that it is therefore important to act quickly, for example by extending the period for when the stone marten can be hunted.

- It can be almost impossible if it has spread throughout the country, says Karin Wetterberg.

It is students from the university who have had DNA-analyzed four carcasses from stone martens in the area around Bromölla.

This picture shows a stone marten on the left, with a white throat.

To the right is a forest marten, with a light yellow or beige throat.

Photo: Swedish Hunters' Association

Another possible measure is that the species is classified by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency as invasive, something that the County Administrative Board of Skåne has previously proposed.

Then it can be hunted all year round.

Another alternative is that the Swedish Hunters' Association is commissioned to hunt the species, just as happened with raccoon dogs in the so-called Mårdhund project.

Additional carcasses

In addition to the four carcasses that were analyzed, two more that were found in May will be examined.

It can provide answers to the extent to which the population is inbred.

Based on the previous findings, however, there is no indication that inbreeding would inhibit the spread, says Karin Wetterberg.

- There have been no clear faults on them so they seem to tolerate a lot of inbreeding, she says.

In April, SVT Nyheter Skåne reported on the county administrative board's concerns about the spread of the stone marten:

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Stenmården can quickly become huge, says Nils Carlsson at the county administrative board. In the video clip you can see a stone marten that got into a car in Germany. Photo: Akki Berlin / Youtube