Employment: European companies could run out of manpower from 2050

An African migrant employed at a Spanish factory in Barcelona.

June 11, 2021 AFP - JOSEP LAGO

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2 min

Europe could run out of manpower, starting in 2050. This is shown by a study by the Center for Global Development which recommends, in particular, recourse to migrants from Africa.

The reasons are well known: an aging population and insufficient levels of migration.


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Europeans are living longer and having fewer children.

This is reducing the working-age population, while the number of retirees is increasing.

In 2050, Europe could have 95 million fewer workers than in 2015. This could put a strain on European social protection systems.

Under these conditions, budgetary pressures and a slowdown in economic growth appear inevitable.

Bridging the gap between active and inactive

Researchers sifted through potential responses to prevent this.

Such as the increase in the participation of women and older workers in the labor market, automation or even outsourcing.

But none of these measures would be enough.

Resorting to immigration seems the only possible response to bridge the gap between the active and inactive.

Review migration policies

Africa has more and more young people motivated and educated to flourish in Europe or in the United Kingdom.

But access is very difficult.

Brussels and London should review their migration policy to prevent a very likely labor crisis in the years to come.

 To read also: African migration to Europe in decline for 3 years according to the OECD


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