After 25 days of hearings in Kalmar District Court, the very extensive investigation into the couple who are accused of raping two small children - and also documenting the abuse on film - has come to an end. 

Prosecutor Linda Canéus demands a maximum sentence for the man, 14 years in prison, and for the woman, the prosecutor demands a prison sentence of ten years. 

- It is about very serious crimes, among the most serious in the criminal code, rape of children, says Linda Canéus. 

- It really can not get much worse.

And I do not see any mitigating circumstances.

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Hear prosecutor Linda Caneus talk about the case in the clip.

Photo: SVT

Movies and diary entries

The case is one of the largest in Sweden ever when it comes to documented abuse of children, and the investigation has taken a long time - over a year.

Throughout the investigation, the couple has been in custody. 

According to the prosecutor, the man must have documented the abuses partly by filming them and partly by describing them in his diary.

Linda Canéus wants to use both things as evidence. 

- There are additional crimes described in the diary, which have not been filmed.

And I want him to be judged for them too.

Judgment in four weeks

The long investigation with amounts of child pornographic material has taken its toll. 

- These are very heavy tasks.

Not only for me and for the investigators, but also for everyone involved in the trial.

It will be even harder to have to take part in it on film.

But it is still nothing against what the vulnerable children have endured, says prosecutor Linda Canéus. 

The district court decided that the couple should continue to be detained pending the verdict, which will come in about four weeks.