Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a summit meeting with US President Joe Biden this week that he would like to aim to build a framework for dialogue in areas of mutual benefit, such as the issue of strategic stability, including nuclear disarmament. It was.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is planning to meet with US President Joe Biden for the first time in Geneva, Switzerland on the 16th of this month, and an interview was broadcast on the 13th in response to Russia's national television before this. I did.

In this, President Putin stated that he would like to "restore our personal relationships and build a mechanism that actually works in areas of mutual benefit," regarding the outcome of the summit.

In connection with that specific area, Putin said, "The new administration led by President Biden extended the new START of the Nuclear Disarmament Treaty as the first step, which was a manifestation of the president's professionalism." He expressed his intention to aim to build a framework for dialogue on issues such as strategic stability including nuclear disarmament.

Putin, who himself points out that the situation has deteriorated to the worst in recent years, does not expect the relationship between the two countries to improve early, but by starting dialogue in areas where the national interests of both countries are in line. It seems that the aim is to find a clue to normalize the relationship.