“We have reached a dead end.” With this sentence Cardinal Marx justified his resignation.

It's the most important phrase of the year, if not the decade.

But the Pope simply says: I do not accept.

There is one thing with the popes, though.

In culture we had a so-called literature pope.

Highly valued and revered by many, but at the same time insulted again and again.

A woman has long since taken over the television show he invented.

But there is just such a thing with the Popes and Popesses. Since culture on television only takes place at a later, very late hour for the insomniacs, there is no need to deal with these book talks. One would only like to give advice to the gentleman who, if not as Pope, at least as shepherd of literature, would like to give advice: if the books that he does not appreciate are exported to a garbage can or paper bin, then it would be it was the much more impressive television picture when beautiful, blazing flames destroyed this crap.

As far as culture is concerned, the children's television "Check Eins" deserves praise. The children are taught nature and culture in equal measure. Because what child forgets the name "Holderlin" when a delightful wild boar is called by that name. Hölderlin !, you look up and discover a poet who you may not understand, but whose name will be remembered forever. And we know how important these early imprints are for our lives. It goes without saying that it is important to ensure that the naming is gender-equitable (for example "Hölderline"). At least that is what the Pope must support.