The latest alarm about a forest fire came at 22.10 on Thursday when a private person alerted SOS after seeing a column of smoke in the forest near Trollsjön.

When the rescue service arrived, it turned out to be burning in bushes and trees in the forest.

The fire could be quickly extinguished.

No suspects

On Monday at seven o'clock in the morning, a fire broke out in the same place, adjacent to an exercise track, and the police now suspect that the fires have been started.

- They have started in an unnatural way.

We have had technicians on site to secure tracks and we are keen on tips from the public, says Martin Tornell, head of the preliminary investigation at the police in Jönköping.

There are currently no suspects.

Several fires

In March this year, a fire broke out in a garage where several cars were completely destroyed.

Before that, several similar fires took place without a natural explanation in Mullsjö, but according to the police, they see no connection to the fires this week.

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The police suspect that the fire in Mullsjö was started.

Photo: Mattias Landström / Nyhetswebben