
June 11, 2021Camilla Canepa, the 18-year-old girl who died after voluntary vaccination with AstraZeneca, was reported to suffer from familial autoimmune thrombocytopenia and was on dual hormone therapy. Investigators want to understand if the two pathologies were indicated in the card delivered before the vaccine was administered on May 25th. Among the documents that the military are acquiring also the reports of the medical directors of San Martino Pelosi and Brunetti. On Tuesday the assignment will be given to the coroners Luca Tatjana and Franco Piovella.

The carabinieri of the Nas of Genoa are acquiring medical records and all the documentation

medical. The military, delegated by prosecutors Francesca Rombolà and Stefano Puppo together with the adjunct Francesco Pinto, are going to the hospitals of Lavagna, where the young woman was hospitalized on June 3, and to the San Martino hospital. 

On the first admission to the emergency room of Lavagna, the ASL4 had made investigations on 7 June 2021, 3 days before his death. This was said by the general manager Paolo Petralia who declared to ANSA: "On 7 June the health management acquired a detailed report from the director of the emergency room on the patient's path and, deeming it exhaustive, has not activated any further initiatives at the moment".

Parents donate their daughter's organs. "A great gesture of love"

Meanwhile, the removal of the girl's organs is underway at the Policlinico di Genova, after yesterday's parents had decided to donate them. "An admirable gesture, a great gesture of love", said the director general of San Marino Giuffrida, commenting on the decision of Camilla's parents.

"They have just lost a child and while they are metabolizing this tragedy - said Giuffrida - they are able to think of others, of people who will now be able to continue living. It is admirable what they have done, it is admirable to give life to other people". The explanted organs have been placed in the availability of the national transplant center and for now the only destination of the Niguarda is known as well as a patient hospitalized at San Martino. According to what has been learned, a team of psychologists made available by the Genoese Polyclinic is assisting the parents and medical teams who operated on Camilla.