There are opportunistic thieves.

This is what a Toulousain could see at the start of the week.

While he was driving his car in the Saint-Georges district, he had a collision with a cyclist.

Immediately, he went to the aid of the driver of the two-wheeler, slightly injured.

While giving him first aid, he spots a man slipping his hand through the open window of his car and pricking his satchel.

The driver of the car then decides to track him and ends up catching him.

Arrived at his level, the thief gives him a blow with a ball and tries to escape again.

The thief's victim eventually overpowered the robber while waiting for the police to arrive.

The 21-year-old has been taken into police custody.

On him, the police also found cannabis.


Toulouse: Alerted by a tracker installed on his electric bike, he pursues the thief and calls the police


Tarn-et-Garonne: An octogenarian spends the night in a ravine, stuck in her wrecked car

  • Flight

  • Accident

  • Toulouse

  • Miscellaneous

  • Thief

  • Cyclist