Edano, the representative of the Constitutional Democratic Party, has been criticized for the remarks of members of the party regarding the age at which he considers that he can judge consent to sexual activity, so he entrusts an investigation to an external third party to examine the circumstances of the problem. He expressed his intention to consider measures to prevent recurrence.

In the Constitutional Democratic Party, when a member of the House of Representatives, Hiranao Honda, who belongs to the party, was discussing raising the age at which he considers that he can judge consent to sexual activity as stipulated by the criminal law, he said, "I am a 14-year-old child near 50 years old. It is strange that if you have sexual intercourse, you will be caught even if you have consent. "

Representative Honda withdrew his remarks and apologized.

On the 9th, the Constitutional Democratic Party's representative, Edano, accused reporters in the Diet of saying, "It's hard to believe what I said. It's completely unrealistic and unforgivable."

After that, he entrusted an external third-party organization with investigations such as hearings of related parties including Representative Honda, verified the background of the problem, and indicated the idea of ​​considering measures to prevent recurrence.