
07 June 2021 The former leader of the CGIL and former secretary of the Democratic Party Guglielmo Epifani has died at the age of 71.

He had been hospitalized for several days.

He was currently a deputy of Liberi e Uguali.

Former general secretary of the CGIL, from 2002 to 2010, Epifani spent a very large part of his life in the union.

He was elected in Parliament, in the Chamber, in the 17th legislature with the Democratic Party

and reconfirmed in March 2018, with the symbol of Leu.

According to what transpires, Epifani had been hit about a week ago by a pulmonary embolism, from which he seemed to be recovering.

But his clinical picture worsened, leading to his death.

"It is dramatic news, which reached us during the meeting. It is a very sad day. We interrupted the meeting out of respect for the memory of Guglielmo Epifani. I express deep condolences of all the Democrats and Democrats to his wife. I remember the fundamental role he plays. had as leader Pd, in a difficult moment ". This was said by

the PD secretary, Enrico Letta

, in front of the Nazarene, together with the leaders of the CGIL, Maurizio Landini Cisl, Sbarra and Uil, Bombardieri. 

The death of Guglielmo Epifani "is bad news, for the CGIL it is a very serious fault. Guglielmo gave his life to the CGIL and the union", says

the general secretary of the CGIL, Maurizio Landini

. "Right now - adds Landini - we are close to his wife and we will see how to organize her memory in the best way". "His commitment, experience and history will remain forever for the CGIL as an example of what it means to be a union leader", he concludes.

"I want to express deep condolences to the family and condolences on behalf of the CISL. Epifani was a great trade unionist, a competent, lucid and refined politician. He will leave an unbridgeable void. We think we remember his social, political and institutional commitment". The

CISL secretary general Luigi Sbarra



, speaking with reporters at the Nazarene where a meeting with the Pd delegation was underway, interrupted after the news of the death of Guglielmo Epifani.

"It's a sad day. We lose a friend and a decent person engaged in so many battles. Epifani was a reformist politician who fought so many battles for the workers. Today we stopped. We think that grief and silence are the only feelings to be externalize ".

Secretary General Uil Pierpaolo Bombardieri



, speaking with reporters at the Nazarene where a meeting with the Pd delegation was underway, interrupted after the news of the death of Guglielmo Epifani. 

"Guglielmo Epifani has left us today. A sudden and unexpected news that upsets me". This was stated by

the national secretary of the Italian Left Nicola Fratoianni

. "I shared three years in Parliament with him - continues the leader of SI - among the group's desks. A cultured and rigorous person, with whom even when we had disagreements it was always pleasant to deal with. To his family and his loved ones - concludes Fratoianni - go my embrace and that of the whole Italian Left ".

Born in Rome in 1950 to parents of Campania origin, in 1973 he graduated in philosophy at the University of Rome La Sapienza with a thesis on Anna Kuliscioff. Enrolled in the CGIL, in 1990 he entered the confederal secretariat and in 1993 he was appointed assistant general secretary by Bruno Trentin. He was first enrolled in the Italian Socialist Party and, after the end of the PSI, in the party of the Left Democrats. Deputy of Sergio Cofferati from 1994 to 2002, following the conclusion of Cofferati's mandate, he became general secretary of the CGIL until 2010.

Elected deputy of the Democratic Party in 2013, he was president of the Productive Activities Commission in the 17th legislature. Following the resignation of Pier Luigi Bersani, on 11 May 2013 he was appointed regent secretary of the Democratic Party. The following December 15 was replaced by Matteo Renzi, elected secretary in the primary.

On February 25, 2017 he took part in the split of the left wing of the Democratic Party, joining Article 1 - Democratic and Progressive Movement. In the political elections of 4 March 2018 he was a candidate on the Free and Equal list and was re-elected to the House.