For the second time within a few months, shots were fired on Allerheiligenstrasse in downtown Frankfurt.

According to the police, a 23-year-old man was seriously injured on Monday night.

He was hit in the leg by a bullet.

According to reports, the crime took place in front of a shisha bar.

As with the first shooting at the end of January, residents heard the argument and called the police.

The investigations, said a spokesman on Monday morning, were "under pressure" that night.

Katharina Iskandar

Editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

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    The police are also giving the investigation such a high priority because the crime may be related to the feud between two groups that have been fighting over drug trafficking in the neighborhood since January of this year.

    Presumably, other business areas are also said to be affected.

    A spokeswoman for the Frankfurt public prosecutor said on Monday that the background to the shooting was currently unclear.

    However, connections with the previous criminal offenses in the area of ​​milieu crime would be examined with the participation of both groups.

    Further escalation of violence?

    If the act had to do with the attempted homicides that had already occurred between those involved in both groups in January and March, this would be a further escalation of the violence. The police do not officially speak of "clan crime", but it is increasingly taking on the traits of one. According to information from this newspaper, several people from one group belong to a family. The investigation into this complex is pending in the Organized Crime Department.

    The shooting in January was the first visible show of force in the quarter, which mainly consists of residential buildings;

    but bars, snack bars and red light shops are also housed there.

    The quarter has been a drug hub for years.

    Residents reported after the first shooting that they were not surprised that the violence had occurred in the neighborhood.

    It has been observed for a long time that there are minor disputes on the street between people who do not live there, but who regularly demonstrate their cars and apparently do business.

    Now no longer on the street, but in the backyards.

    This information was also communicated to the police.

    Investigations against several people

    That night in January, around twenty people raided a kiosk where members of the warring group were staying. The partly masked men fired several shots. One man was injured. The police later investigated eighteen suspects. They are being investigated on suspicion of a particularly serious breach of the peace and violation of the weapons law. The youngest accused is 14 years old. He is said to be related to one of the older suspects. Five of the men are now in custody. The officers had subsequently searched the homes of a 29 and a 33-year-old suspect. The public prosecutor's office in Frankfurt announced the nationalities of the accused at the time of the arrests. Accordingly, it concerns Germans, Afghans, Turks, Kosovars,Serbs, Greeks and Iranians. According to reports, this group unites, among other things, the drug trade, but they are also active in other business areas, as it is said. The opposing group is said to consist primarily of people of Turkish origin.

    The extent to which the investigators perceive as "background noise" became apparent two months after the shooting in January - at a time when the group attacked at the time apparently decided to take revenge for the shots in front of the kiosk. In the early morning of March 2, several attackers spotted a 38-year-old man in front of his house in the Gallus district at 1:35 a.m. They beat their victim with blackouts and a baseball bat. Then they rammed a knife into his thigh, causing the blade to cut an artery and causing the man to almost bleed to death. By then at the latest, the investigators had asked themselves: When will the next crime happen?