Invited Sunday of the "Great meeting Europe 1 / Les Echos / CNews", the Minister in charge of Foreign Trade Franck Riester defended the learning of regional languages, while the Constitutional Council censured the immersive method at school in the law.

"The unity of the Republic is not uniformity," he insisted. 


Faced with the concern of associations, the government is trying to reassure. Saturday, thousands of people, Basques, Bretons, Catalans, Corsicans or Alsatians, marched in several cities of France to defend "immersive education" in regional languages, censored by the Constitutional Council. On May 21, the latter indeed partially revoked the law on regional languages, voted on April 8 in the Assembly, and censored the immersive method at school, teaching carried out largely in a language other than French. . Asked about this subject on Europe 1, the Minister in charge of Foreign Trade Franck Riester defended the learning of these regional languages, even more at a time when France "has a problem with its diversity". 


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"Nothing must change and we must continue to allow these schools to teach regional languages ​​as they currently do", explains the member of the government, recalling that Emmanuel Macron himself defended the immersive school. that "nothing can hinder".

"It is important that the president said with that force that regional languages ​​are a wealth for our country", he said again, guest of the

Great Europe 1 / Les Echos / CNews meeting


"The unity of the Republic is not uniformity"

For the president of Agir, regional languages ​​"are not at all an obstacle to the French language or to the unity of our Republic".

"The unity of the Republic is not uniformity", he insists, and "we need this richness and this difference, which notably goes through these schools, including immersive training". 

"Our country has a problem with its diversity", notes the guest from Europe 1, for whom "all the signals sent to those who are different, but are constitutive of the identity of our Republic, are very good".