Are instant dishes convenient and healthy?

  Expert: There is no bad food, only a bad mix

  After get off work, the cooking woman (husband) drags her tired body to the supermarket to buy vegetables. When she comes home, she has to pick, wash, cut, eat out or order takeaways and worry about high oil, high salt, waste oil and other problems...

  Convenient dishes can be eaten after a little cooking when they are bought home. Because of their convenience and speed, they are sought after by more and more office workers or "cooking women (husbands)" who don't want to spend a lot of time.

Is the nutrition the same as the vegetables bought from the vegetable market?

Is it healthy to eat this kind of semi-finished food or to eat takeaway... I believe many readers have this question.

  The reporter deliberately interviewed Tan Rongshao, director of the Clinical Nutrition Department of Guangzhou Red Cross Hospital. He said that convenience dishes provide busy office workers with more choices, but whether they are nutritious and healthy is the purchaser's match. Skills, "There is no bad food, only bad collocation", as long as the selection is reasonable, convenient dishes can be eaten healthy.

  Text/Guangzhou Daily All-Media Reporter Zhang Qingmei, Correspondent Hu Yingyi and Sun Bingqian

  Column planning/Guangzhou Daily full media reporter Cao Teng and Wen Junhua

 Question 1: Are the convenience dishes clean?

  Test the integrity of the seller

  The selling point of convenience dishes is "convenience". They are no-washing, no-cutting, seasonings are prepared, vacuum-packed, and you can eat them when you buy them in a microwave oven or steam them. It is good for busy office workers or those who don’t want to spend a lot of time. For "women (husbands)", it saves time and effort.

So, is this kind of dishes clean and hygienic?

Tan Rongshao said that convenience dishes are also called clean dishes. Generally speaking, they are washed in batches. They are certainly not as careful as you wash them yourself. However, the hygiene is up to the standard, otherwise they will not pass the test and enter the supermarket.

  In addition, the clean food test is also the integrity of the merchant. If there is a problem such as diarrhea after a consumer buys it back, he will definitely not buy it a second time. The merchant also has the risk of being complained and held accountable, so the merchant will not take it. The credibility of adventurous.

Therefore, in general, the hygiene of clean vegetables is still guaranteed.

If you are really worried, you can also buy it home and clean it yourself.

 Question 2: Are instant dishes healthy?

  Test your choice and collocation skills

  Is it nutritious and healthy to buy this semi-finished product home?

Tan Rongshao said that if health is not healthy, what actually tests the buyer's collocation skills, "there are no bad foods, only bad collocations."

Tan Rongshao introduced that semi-finished vegetables and vegetables bought at the vegetable market are all vegetables.

The nutrition of the dishes is the same, but the form is different. The key to whether there is nutrition is whether you choose a reasonable combination according to the dietary guidelines.

For example, if you buy a Dongpo elbow but not fruits and vegetables, then the meat quantity must exceed the standard, and the fruits and vegetables will not meet the standard, which is an unbalanced dinner.

"So, follow the recommendations of the dietary guidelines when buying. A qualified lunch or dinner must have staple food, meat, vegetables, and fruits. If it is to buy a day's dishes, then there are at least 7-8 kinds of dishes. If If you only buy one meal, the variety you choose will be different each time. Specific to the vegetables, there are dark green, red, and yellow vegetables, and you need to buy them in exchange for meat, chicken, duck, fish, etc. Lean meat, etc., should also be bought in exchange, so that the variety is abundant and the nutrition is balanced."

  It is reported that the recently released "Research Report on Nutrition and Health of Chinese Residents" pointed out that high-oil and high-salt intake of Chinese residents is still widespread, and consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is increasing year by year; Chinese people’s whole grains, dark vegetables, fruits, milk, fish and shrimps The intake of vegetables and soybeans is insufficient; the per capita intake of fruits, milk, and soybeans is still low, and the intake of highly processed preserves is excessive.

  Tan Rongshao said that according to the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents", our daily diet should be matched as follows: We should consume 50 to 150 grams of whole grains and miscellaneous beans every day; 300 to 500 grams of vegetables and dark vegetables should be consumed every day. Account for 1/2; daily intake of 200 grams to 350 grams of fresh fruit.

Soy intake ≥1.62g/day, or tofu intake ≥14.4g/day or soy isoflavones 26.3mg/day; 28g nuts per day; 300g liquid milk per day; 280g~525g fish every week .

"In general, you have to ensure that you eat more than 25 varieties a week, and you can match the specific ones yourself. As long as the match is reasonable, you can still eat healthy."

  Some people worry about whether these clean vegetables have been left in the supermarket for a day, or have been cut up, will they lose their nutrients?

Tan Rongshao said that in a short period of time, nutrient loss can be neglected. "The so-called fresh vegetables you buy at the vegetable market are not picked from the field and get into your hands right away. They have to go through various links such as transportation, so The nutrient loss caused by a day and a half is basically negligible."

  Question 3: Can smoked and preserved food be eaten?

  No matter what the "vest" is changed, it is not healthy to eat too much

  "We all know that smoked foods and preserved foods cannot be eaten too much, but convenience dishes usually don't contain much. Can they be eaten?" Some readers have such doubts.

In this regard, Tan Rongshao said that the smoked, pickled, roasted meat and other products in Jingcai are just replaced with a "vest" and packaged, without changing their essence, eating too much is just as unhealthy!

"Eating it once or twice a month will not cause health problems, but it will definitely not work to buy and eat regularly."

  "A few years ago, there was a roast meat stall next to our hospital. Every time the boss sold the leftovers, he ate it by himself. Later he developed a colon tumor. A comprehensive analysis of his cancer causes mainly two points. One is that he has it every day. Leftover leftovers eat too much meat; second, this kind of roasted meat, its processing process will produce carcinogens such as benzopyrene, increasing the risk of tumors. The world’s top ten junk foods announced by the United Nations include fried foods. Foods, preserved foods, processed meats, barbecued foods, etc. Therefore, we have repeatedly emphasized that processing methods such as smoking, pickling, frying, and barbecue should be used sparingly, and steaming and boiling should be used as much as possible."

 Question 4: Clean dishes VS takeaway, which is healthier?

Which is better or worse is about choice

  Many people ask, "Which is healthier to eat this kind of semi-finished products or takeaway?" "I buy convenience dishes and make them myself. Isn't it healthier?" Tan Rongshao said, which is better or worse, it's still a question of matching.

Whether you eat clean vegetables or take out, it depends on what you buy and what you order.

You buy roasted meat every day and go back to eat, or order roasted meat for takeout every day, the result is the same.

"You still have to eat according to the dietary guidelines to achieve a balanced nutrition." "But in general, takeaways are generally high in oil and salt, and if you choose to order takeaways, try to choose less flavorful ones, as little as possible. For those who put oil and salt, for example, you can make a note of putting less oil and salt when ordering food."

 Learn to eat healthy

  This year's "Nutrition Week for All" has just passed. Tan Rongshao said that the original intention of setting up "Nutrition Week for All" was to promote the concept of nutrition and health and improve the nutrition and health of residents.

  The common people must update their health concepts and learn to eat healthy.

"For example, when ordering takeout or eating in a restaurant, why do outside dishes generally have more oil and salt? Because the oil and salt are less flavorful, you don't want to eat it, so restaurants are high in oil and salt in order to cater to the tastes of consumers. If everyone has a healthy concept, takes the initiative to choose healthy food, and takes the initiative to ask for less oil and salt, then the restaurant chef will definitely make corresponding adjustments.

  In general, the most important thing is to renew the concept. If you have a healthy concept, your choice will help your health.
