Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is a land of longing.

Or at least it was a long time for many millions of tourists every year.

In the corona pandemic, it then became a restricted tourist area.

No other federal state has so consistently forbidden entry for people who do not have their primary residence in the northeast for so long.

It stayed that way in the past few weeks when other countries reopened.

Matthias Wyssuwa

Political correspondent for Northern Germany and Scandinavia based in Hamburg.

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    “We are the country with the toughest travel restrictions.

    And that's what we stand for, ”said Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) in mid-April.

    On Wednesday evening, after a summit meeting in Schwerin, she announced quick openings for tourists, even faster than previously planned.

    She said: “You see a happy Prime Minister today” and “Welcome back”.

    In between were weeks of tough lockdown, an urgent tourism industry, teasing political competition - and a rapidly falling seven-day incidence.

    On Thursday it was 22.

    Day trips will also be possible again soon

    From this Friday on, people from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania are allowed to go back to the hotels and holiday apartments in their own country, and from next Friday onwards everyone else from Germany.

    From June 11th, people from other regions can come back for day trips to the northeast.

    Proof of recovery from a corona infection, complete vaccination or a current negative corona test are required.

    The openings in tourism are just another step in a relaxation offensive: the kindergartens are open again, since Thursday all students have been allowed to return to their classes, body-friendly services are allowed, as is retail without a corona test and indoor catering.

    You do more than other countries, Schwesig emphasized.

    Schwesig did more than other countries in mid-April.

    The incidence in the country rose by leaps and bounds and was almost 150. Schwesig pushed through a tough lockdown in his own country even before the decision on the federal emergency brake - and criticized the lengthy negotiations in Berlin.

    Envy of the neighbors in the north

    The hard lockdown was a success.

    So much so that the impatience in the country rose as quickly as the numbers fell - especially with a view to the neighbors in Schleswig-Holstein, who attracted tourists with model projects and have long since opened everything.

    However, the north-west has never had such high incidences as the north-east.

    With further openings announced on Thursday, Kiel marched ahead again: From Monday onwards, up to ten people will be allowed to meet there again, regardless of how many households.

    In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the tourism industry was pressing, and the CDU top candidate for the state elections in September, Michael Sack, took the opportunity to criticize his competitor Schwesig.

    A survey just showed that approval of it has fallen by 18 percentage points to 57 percent.

    Schwesig's SPD could remain the strongest force with 23 percent, but would have lost.

    Sack told the FAZ on Thursday: “The opening was overdue, that it is finally coming, I perceive with relief.” What exactly was the reason why Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania was more restrictive than its neighboring states, “was no longer open to anyone convey, ”he said. In any case, the urgent need for action was always pointed out.

    How credible the voters find this is another question: In Schwerin, the CDU has been a junior partner of the SPD since 2006. So one in the State Chancellery is also relaxed about the polls. And is happy about the success of the lockdown. For more than a week, the seven-day incidence in the country has been stable below 50. The country has been brought into such safe waters that tourism can be opened up, Schwesig said. And assume that you don't have to take a step back.